A downloadable game for Windows

This game is designed to run on old computers running XP. It can even be played on older versions down to Windows 95. However, this requires KernelEx.

The year is 2066. You have invested in the wrong companies and it turned out they were just pulling an exit scam. Now your entire savings are gone and to pay back your depts you took a job as a delivery man of a company that delivers packages between planets with old and outdated space shuttles. it's not optimal regarding your very strict time scedule, the fact you have to navigate through a lot of meteors, the fact that the space shuttle was never designed to leave our solar system and the fact that you don't seem to be very comfortable with the fact that you're not slowing down over time because there's no air resistance in space. But it pays back your depts and that's all that counts.


If you have any suggestions or want to help with development (especially creating pixel art bc can't even draw a stickman) then just contact me on Twitter:



Download from GitHub

Install instructions

Just download the version for your CPU architecture (If you're using a modern computer it will definetely be x86_64 so just grab the normal one. Retro computers will probably use x86 so for those get the x86 version) and run the executable.